The Dewdrop is a digest of reflective and thoughtful writing, loosely based on spiritual themes. Our content includes poetry and essays that draw on classic texts as well as the insight and brilliance of contemporary writers. Grounded in Zen Buddhism, this spiritually-focused platform is interested in every faith background as well as writers who don't identify with any formal faith tradition. Humanists, agnostics, scientists, atheists and Jedis are most warmly welcome, as we are always on the lookout for fresh talent.

Note that our poetry submissions open and close on a weekly basis, usually from Monday morning to Sunday evening. If you are trying to submit and the submissions appear to be closed, do try again in a few days.


dewdrops -

how better wash away

world's dust?


- Matsuo Bashō



dewdrops: Weekly Haiku explores the spiritual relationship between Zen and art, resonating from the intersection of the seasons (Kigo), and awakening to the ordinary (Kensho). Skilful haiku reveals the extraordinary in the ordinary, capturing the present moment; in the words of R.H. Blyth, the form is “The expression of a temporary enlightenment, in which we see into the life of things”

Our aim is to provide opportunities for haiku poets in the spirit of our Zen roots to have an opportunity for publication, and to celebrate the enlivening spirit of this ancient form. As such, we will publish one chosen haiku weekly online, and then gather the year’s selected haiku into an annual anthology in print. 


The Essence of Zen & Haiku:

“The strong emphasis on the seasons in haiku means that a sense of the changes in the natural world, paralleled in the human world, is at the core of every haiku . . . Haiku is a momentary, condensed poetic form and its special quality is that it is perfectly adapted to give the reader that little instant of kensho insight. Basho developed the haiku form so that each haiku became a little burst of awakening.”  - George Marsh (Haiku Foundation) 



* Please read our Submission Guidance below mindfully. 

*We accept simultaneous submissions, but please do let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere.


Submission Guidance: 

● Seasonal reference: Autumn (Sept.-Nov.) Winter (Dec.-Feb.) Spring (March-May) Summer (June-Aug.) 

Submissions from March - May to reference the Spring season; or use of season words.

● Free verse or 5-7-5 form is accepted 

● 17 syllables or less 

● Up to 3 Individual poems per submission 

● Please do not number or title haiku 

*Please include with EACH submission, your name exactly as you wish it to appear, and your location. 


Essential Qualities: (What we value in a haiku)

● Does it inherently create the universality of our experience? 

● What does it say without telling (intuitive presentation without explanation)? 

● Different insights and feelings when re-read and reflected upon? 

● Succinct observation; experience and an expression of the experience? 

● Proper and creatively chosen Kigo (seasonal word)? 

● Does it have a lyrical rhythm and cadence? 

● Does It express seeing the ordinary in the present moment (kensho)

● Is the use of a Kireji (cutting word) utilized to divide the poem into two parts? 

● Does Impermanence resonate? 




We cannot pay for published work at this time. 


The Dewdrop